What to do when you have an unplanned pregnancy
Facing an unplanned pregnancy? You are not alone. Many have walked this path before you, and we’re here to walk alongside you. Our team offers compassionate support for your physical, emotional, and mental well-being—ensuring you have the care and guidance you need.
Where Do I Start?
The first step is to confirm your pregnancy at a clinic like Open Arms Real Choices Clinic. A lab-quality pregnancy test will confirm the pregnancy hormone in your urine, but After your lab-quality pregnancy test is administered by our medical professionals, a plan will be made for an ultrasound and the next steps. An ultrasound will confirm that the pregnancy is viable and that the baby is in the uterus (not ectopic). The ultrasound will also determine how far along you are. Accurate dating is crucial, as different procedures depend upon gestational age.
Ultrasound is the only way to confirm and date a pregnancy as well as the location of the fetus. Open Arms Real Choices Clinic in Coeur d’Alene/ Hayden is here to offer your ultrasound and other health services at no cost to you.
Open Arms is a nonprofit, non-denominational, and non-political organization. We do not profit from your decision—we are simply here to provide compassionate care, accurate information, and unwavering support to anyone facing the challenges of an unplanned pregnancy.
Share With People You Trust
After your pregnancy is confirmed, we encourage you to talk with someone you trust. Open Arms Clinic has a staff of caring professionals who will listen to your concerns and explain all of your options so that you can make a well-informed decision. It is your right to know the risks and benefits of every option. Your advocate will never judge or coerce.
Having the right support can help you make an informed decision based on knowledge, not emotions. Open Arms Real Choices Clinic is here to be your first step. If you don’t have support from family, friends, or your partner, we’re here to walk alongside you with compassion and care
Let Yourself Feel Your Emotions
An unplanned pregnancy can bring many emotions—it’s completely normal to feel doubt, fear, anger, or even excitement. Whatever you’re feeling, we’re here to listen. The best decisions are informed decisions, and you have the right to understand all your options and patient rights. You don’t have to go through this alone—we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Contact Us
We’re here to help you. Call 208.667.5433, make an appointment here, or stop by during the hours below.
After hours, call or text 1-800-712-HELP.
8056 N. Wayne Drive
Hayden, ID 83835
Office Hours
9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM
11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
1:00 PM– 7:00 PM