Abortion Pill Reversal 877.558.0333

There are two methods for ending a pregnancy – surgical abortions and chemical abortions.

In either case, the objective is the same – ending a developing life in the womb. If you’re pregnant and considering abortion, you deserve to know that you have options. And you definitely deserve to know what abortion is all about. Evidence based information empowers you to take control of your health by understanding the risks and benefits in order to make a well informed decision.

Chemical Abortion

The abortion pill, commonly known as RU-486, is a chemical means for ending pregnancy. 39% of abortions in the U.S are performed this way. But what exactly is happening to your body when you take this medication?

  • The First Pill Blocks Progesterone
    • Progesterone is the hormone that keeps the pregnancy going
    • Your body naturally produces this hormone during pregnancy
    • The abortion pill blocks this hormone, and your baby’s support system is cut off so it cannot survive
    • The baby dies in the womb
  • More Pills Are Taken to Expel the Baby
    • Causes strong uterine contractions to force labor
    • This same medication is administered to a full term pregnant woman (40 weeks) to induce labor. In that case, the mother typically receives about 75 micrograms of this medication
    • With the abortion pill RU-486, a mother (often up to only 10 weeks gestation) receives 400-800 micrograms of this same medication
    • Causes intense pain and cramping with risk of hemorrhage and/or infection

Patients have rights that they need to know before entering a clinic. Oftentimes, pregnant women are given the Abortion pill on-the-go, and end up laboring alone at home. There is no physician oversight or follow-up. This is particularly dangerous as any pregnancy or abortion can present unique complications.

You Can Reverse A Chemical Abortion

If you have taken the Abortion Pill but are having regrets, please call 1-877-558-0333. A chemical abortion can be reversed.

The reversal procedure is 64-68% effective. It is possible to reverse a medical abortion in within 72 hours of taking the first medication, mifepristone. Learn more about Abortion Pill Reversal here: (link previous blog)

Surgical Abortion

Surgical Abortion at 5-13 Weeks

Surgical abortions are invasive procedures that require anesthesia, dilation of the cervix, and entering the uterus.

  • Vacuum aspiration is used in most first trimester abortions.
    • A tube is inserted through the dilated cervix into the womb, and a strong suction pump is used to pull the fetus through the tube.
    • Often the fetus is too large to fit through the tube. The suction will then pull the baby into pieces.
    • These pieces must be identified afterward to ensure the entire baby has been removed.
  • Often a dilation and curettage (D&C) procedure is used with vacuum aspiration. This procedure uses a sharp surgical instrument to scrape any remaining pieces from the uterus.
  • There are risks involved with a suction D&C.
    • An incomplete abortion may occur if part of the fetus is left in the uterus. This can cause infection and bleeding.
    • There is a risk of puncturing or lacerating the uterus or cervix.
    • Complications may also include future incompetent cervix and resulting pre-mature deliveries.
    • Risks also include infection, cramping, abdominal pain, heavy bleeding, scar tissue formation, organ damage, and in rare cases, death.

Surgical Abortions at 13 -24 weeks

Surgical abortions are invasive procedures that require anesthesia, dilation of the cervix, and entering the uterus.

  • Dilation and Extraction is performed for pregnancies in the second or third trimester.
    • In this procedure, the cervix is dilated and forceps are inserted into the womb.
    • The baby is pulled into pieces and removed.
    • Then the uterus is scraped to make sure all pieces have been removed.
    • The body parts and tissue are examined to make sure none of the pieces of the baby are left behind in the uterus.
  • There are risks involved with a Dialation and Extraction (D&E) abortion, including:
    • An incomplete abortion may occur if part of the fetus is left in the uterus. This can cause infection and bleeding.
    • There is a risk of puncturing or lacerating the uterus or cervix.
    • Risks also include infection, cramping, abdominal pain, heavy bleeding, scar tissue formation, organ damage and in rare cases, death.
    • Complications may also include future incompetent cervix and resulting pre-mature deliveries.

In line with the best available evidence the emotional long term effects of abortion have been shown to significantly increase risk for: clinical depression and anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD/PASS), and even suicidal thoughts and behaviors.**

To see a video that will show you the two most common surgical abortion procedures, along with a description of their risks, visit www.YourAbortion.com.

You Have Options

The best thing you can do for yourself is make an informed decision. Click here to see why an ultrasound is extremely important. You’re reading this, so you’re off to a good start. Take charge of your health and well being. Even if you are undecided about your pregnancy or considering abortion, Open Arms Real Choices Clinic is here with answers. Our staff is here to meet with you confidentially to discuss your options and explain your patient rights. You are not alone.

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