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Every woman’s journey through life is filled with unexpected twists and turns. For some women, those unexpected moments lead to unplanned pregnancies. In such circumstances, young women often face one of the most profound decisions: whether to get an abortion, keep their baby and raise it, or place their baby with an adoptive family.

At Open Arms Real Choices Clinic, we don’t counsel our clientele in favor of abortion, and for good reasons. We have too often witnessed the fallout of abortion on the lives of young women who are scarred by the experience and whose lives are haunted by regret for what they have done. Unlike “pro-choice” advocates, we don’t believe in deceiving young women about the realities of their bodies and their natural feelings. We have seen too many women’s lives broken by decisions they made in haste, pressured by people who didn’t have to pay the price for the decisions they made. We have also seen the heartbreak that occurs when young women find out that they were lied to about the realities of abortion.

We support young women who choose to give birth rather than pursue an abortion, knowing that this is not an easy decision. At Open Arms Clinic, we believe every woman deserves the opportunity to make a choice that aligns with her conscience and values. Our mission is to make it possible for young girls who want to choose life to do so by providing compassionate, non-judgmental counseling and resources that support these courageous young women on their journey. 


The Power of Choice

Deciding to carry a pregnancy to term and give birth is deeply personal and often complex. Young women facing this choice should not have to navigate this path alone. It takes courage and selflessness to bring a new life into the world, and that choice can be accompanied by fear and anxiety. We exist to support them. 

One of the primary resources we make available to young women in this situation is counseling. Our counseling services do not exist to tell women what to do but to listen and help young women explore their feelings, concerns, and hopes. These sessions are entirely confidential, and our trained counselors are committed to assisting them to arrive at their own decisions, fully informed about what their choices mean so that they can feel good about for the rest of their lives – not decisions that leave them feeling depressed, hopeless, and worthless. 

In our view, knowledge is empowerment. Women deserve respect, and part of that respect is giving them information and education about how their bodies function, the consequences they face of any decision they make, and the life growing within them. They don’t deserve to be lied to, belittled, or shamed. We respect their autonomy and value their unique circumstances. We will never pressure a woman into a decision that doesn’t align with her values or conscience. Our goal is to support them, not to dictate their choices.


Support In Every Way

When our clients choose life, our work has just begun. We also offer classes covering prenatal care, parenting skills, and, if appropriate, the adoption process. We connect women with experts who can guide them through childbirth, parenting, and adoption, ensuring they can move forward with confidence in their decisions.

Our clinic is a hub of support and resources. We offer many clinical services such as pregnancy testing, limited obstetric ultrasounds, and STI testing at no or low cost. We offer classes for both mothers and fathers about building strong relationships, parenting, and other subjects. Whether they need assistance with financial planning, healthcare access, or legal guidance, we are here to help women access the support they need.

If you or someone you know is facing an unplanned pregnancy and is considering parenting or adoption, we encourage you to reach out to Open Arms Real Choices Clinic. We know this is a difficult time, and we don’t want young women to experience it alone. There are people here at Open Arms ready to help. Contact Open Arms Real Choices Clinic today to find out more about your options.

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