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Many of life’s crossroads are marked by uncertainty and challenges, but none more so than when a woman finds out she is expecting a child. In the midst of all the worry, confusion, and conflicting emotions that often accompany this life-shaking news, finding a place of support and compassion can make all the difference. At Open Arms Real Choices Clinic, we know that every woman facing unplanned pregnancy is on her own unique journey. Our mission is not just about advocating for life; it’s about supporting women through every step of their pregnancy journey, empowering them to make informed decisions, and providing a safe haven where they feel respected, valued, and supported.


Understanding Women’s Needs


We recognize that each woman’s situation is different, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to pregnancy’s myriad challenges. That’s why we offer a wide array of services to meet the diverse needs of women facing unexpected pregnancies. From pregnancy testing and ultrasounds to confidential counseling and educational resources, we’re here to provide comprehensive support every step of the way. When you come in for your first appointment with our staff, we can help you talk through your situation and determine what services and resources we can offer to best assist you.


Compassionate Counseling


Discovering that you are unexpectedly pregnant can be a shock, and it’s normal to feel a mix of emotions. Our compassionate and nonjudgmental counselors are here to listen, offer support, and provide accurate information about all options available. Whether a woman is considering parenting, adoption, or abortion, we’re committed to ensuring she has the information, resources, and care she needs to make an informed decision that aligns with her values and goals. It’s no secret that we want to help women choose life for their babies, but we strive to offer accurate information in a pressure-free environment, doing all we can to help remove the obstacles that might be standing in the way of a healthy path forward for both mother and child.


Empowering Education


Education is the key to making empowered choices. That’s why we offer life skills classes designed to furnish women with practical knowledge and the tools they need to navigate pregnancy and parenthood confidently. From prenatal care and childbirth education to parenting skills and financial literacy, our classes empower women to build a brighter future for themselves and their families. For couples, there are also relationship classes aimed at creating a strong and healthy foundation from which to embark on the shared journey of parenthood, and there are even resources just for prospective dads. 


Community Support


No woman should have to face pregnancy alone. At Open Arms Real Choices Clinic, we believe in the power of community support. Whether it’s connecting women with local resources, providing practical assistance, or offering emotional support, we’re committed to walking alongside women throughout their pregnancy journey. Meeting and connecting with other expectant mothers in our groups and classes builds up your community and strengthens your support system, an invaluable source of help and encouragement.


A Safe and Confidential Environment


We consider privacy and confidentiality essential when addressing sensitive issues like pregnancy. Our clinic provides a safe and welcoming environment where women can feel comfortable seeking support without fear of judgment or stigma. Our staff is trained to uphold the highest standards of confidentiality, ensuring that every woman we serve feels secure and respected.


Making Informed Choices


We believe that every woman deserves access to accurate information and unbiased support when facing an unexpected pregnancy. Our clinic is committed to providing evidence-based resources and counseling that empower women to make informed choices about their reproductive health. By assisting with exploring all the options, understanding the risks and benefits, and accessing medical care, we aim to ensure that women have the support they need to make the best decisions for themselves and their babies.


At Open Arms Real Choices Clinic, supporting women is at the heart of everything we do. We’re dedicated to providing compassionate care, empowering education, and practical support to women facing unexpected pregnancies. Our mission is to ensure that every woman who walks through our doors knows that she is valued, respected, and supported as she navigates the hurdles and victories of pregnancy and parenthood. Because when women are supported, they can make choices that are right for them and their families, leading to brighter futures for all.


Check out our website, contact us with questions, or make an appointment to speak to one of our counselors today. We are here to help!

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