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Becoming a mother at a young age can be daunting, especially when faced with the prospect of having to balance the competing demands of work and taking care of your child. Many young women face the challenge of continuing their employment while adjusting to their new role as a parent. Unless you have already done it, it can be hard to figure out!

Open Arms Real Choices Clinic in Hayden, Idaho, is a pregnancy resource clinic that assists pregnant women and new mothers in northern Idaho. We meet many young women faced with this challenge. Yet, they courageously forge forward and find ways to be a parent and still support themselves and their babies. Let’s discuss some of the ways that you can navigate your way to being a good parent and a good employee at the same time.

Employment Laws and Support for Young Mothers

First and foremost, young mothers need to be aware of the employment laws that protect and support them. Laws such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the United States provide job-protected leave for eligible employees, including new mothers. While FMLA may not cover all jobs held by young mothers, there are several laws in place that help moms in different ways, so get to know your rights under both state and federal law. 


Employer Programs and Flexibility

Even if a particular state or federal law may not apply to you or to your employer, many employers understand the challenges young mothers face. Several companies offer their own programs to support mothers, knowing that these programs help them to attract and keep valuable employees during their child-bearing years. These accommodations may include flexible work schedules, opportunities for telecommuting, or on-site childcare facilities. These programs can be invaluable in helping young mothers maintain their jobs while caring for their children.


Childcare Solutions for Young Mothers

Childcare is often one of the most significant concerns for young mothers, whether they are single parents or have a partner. Here are some creative solutions:

  • Enlisting Family Support: Don’t be afraid to lean on friends and family members, including partners, siblings, parents, grandparents, or other close relatives. They can play a crucial role in helping with childcare while you work, and they are often pleased to be an integral part of the baby’s life.
  • Shared Responsibilities: If you have friends who are also young mothers, consider sharing childcare responsibilities. This can be a mutually beneficial arrangement that allows members of your group to maintain employment and find help whenever they need it.


Telecommuting and Flexible Jobs

Many young mothers find that telecommuting or working in jobs that offer flexibility is the key to successfully balancing work and motherhood. These days, telecommuting is common, even if it is for only part of the work week. Remote work allows you to be present for your child while still fulfilling your work responsibilities. Look for positions that align with your skills and the remote work culture.


Available Resources and Support

It’s essential for young mothers to know that they’re not alone in their journey. Various resources and organizations can provide help, guidance, and a supportive community. At Open Arms Real Choices Clinic, we are dedicated to supporting young mothers. While many of the services we offer relate to pregnancy, our organization also serves as a hub for young mothers to take classes and learn about the resources available for young moms. It is an ideal place to meet other young women in similar situations, where they can network and create support groups. 

A Helping Hand for Young Mothers

Balancing work and motherhood can be challenging for young women. Still, it’s not impossible – other women have done it before, and you can, too. Start by understanding your rights, then spend a little time investigating different employer programs that may support young moms, and look for job opportunities to help you strike the work-life balance you want. Remember that resources and communities are available to support you during this critical phase of your life, including the Open Arms Real Choices Clinic.

Your life will change when you have your baby, but don’t worry. Most moms soon discover that the obstacles that seem very large at first become insignificant when compared to the joys of motherhood. It may take a little time, but you will soon find a way to make a job and motherhood work.

If you are pregnant and need help finding ways to keep and raise your baby, Open Arms Real Choices Clinic in Hayden, Idaho, is here to assist you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for guidance and support. Call Real Choices today.

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