An unexpected pregnancy can bring many questions to mind. When considering options, it is important to understand the details of those options. The options for handling an unplanned pregnancy are abortion, adoption, and parenting. Within abortion, there are different types of abortion.
Surgical Abortion
The most well-known form of abortion is surgical abortion. This type of abortion is also known as a suction curettage abortion. This procedure is available in the first and second trimesters (between 5-23 weeks), in which a physician uses suction to empty the uterus.
Additionally, there are risks involved with a surgical abortion procedure. Cervical injury or uterine perforation can occur during the procedure from the instruments used. There is also a risk of infection. Patients should expect cramping and pain during and after the procedure. Patients should also expect bleeding following the procedure for up to two weeks.
Chemical Abortion
Chemical (or medical) abortions occur at home, using a combination of two medications – mifepristone and misoprostol. These medications halt production of progesterone and then cause contractions of the uterus to expel the contents of the uterus.
There are significant risks associated with chemical abortions. Most patients experience strong cramps and heavy bleeding. There is a chance for infection. Since the abortion takes place at home, there are no hospital personnel overseeing care for the patient.
For More Information
When considering abortion, it is crucial to have an understanding of one’s options, and the risks and failure rates associated with each option. At Real Choices, we understand the significance of prioritizing your health. Our dedicated team is committed to providing comprehensive support and care for all your reproductive health needs. We encourage you to book an appointment or call 208-667-5433 for FREE information, counseling, and limited ultrasounds.