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Academics call this era The Information Age, but anyone who has spent more than a few minutes on the internet can attest that it would be just as accurate to call it the Disinformation Age. With the flood of voices and content constantly surrounding us, it’s no wonder we sometimes struggle to determine what is true and what isn’t.


At Open Arms Real Choices Clinic, it is our privilege to offer compassionate care, education, and support to women experiencing unexpected pregnancies. As part of our mission, we believe we are called to address some of the most common fallacies about abortion with the facts, providing pregnant women with a window to the truth as they make choices for their futures. In dispelling these myths, we hope to shine the light on the power and beauty inherent in choosing life over death.


Myth 1: “It’s Just a Clump of Cells”


One of the most pervasive fallacies linked with abortion is that a developing fetus is merely a “clump of cells” without any real significance or individual identity. This misconception can obscure the wondrous complexity of the human zygote’s rapid development in the first days and weeks of pregnancy.


The Reality:

From the moment of conception, when the sperm and the egg combine their DNA, a new and unique human life is formed. By the time most women realize they are pregnant, the baby’s heart is already beating, and the brain, spinal cord, and other vital organs are beginning to develop. Very early on, tiny arms and legs are visible, and eyes and ears are present. Even at just a couple of inches long, the human form is unmistakable. Modern technologies, such as ultrasounds, allow us to witness these remarkable stages of growth, underscoring the humanity of the unborn child.


Myth 2: “Abortion Is Safer Than Childbirth”


Another common claim is that abortion is a safer option than carrying a pregnancy to term. This argument, which is often used to justify the abortion procedure, oversimplifies and misrepresents the risks involved.


The Reality:

While modern medical advances have made both abortion and childbirth safer than in the past, many women don’t realize that abortion carries its own unique set of physical and psychological risks. Complications from abortion can include infection, hemorrhage, and damage to the reproductive organs. Not only that, but recent research suggests a strong link between pregnancy loss–whether by abortion or miscarriage–and an increased incidence of heart disease later in life. Furthermore, studies have shown that women who undergo abortions experience a higher risk of long-term negative emotional and psychological effects, such as depression and anxiety. On the other hand, childbirth, despite its challenges, results in healthier psychological outcomes overall.


Myth 3: “Abortion Empowers Women”


The notion that abortion is a means of empowerment for women is a widely held belief. However, equating empowerment with the ability to end a pregnancy overlooks the complex realities women face.


The Reality:

True empowerment comes from providing women with the support and resources they need to make informed and life-affirming decisions. At Open Arms Real Choices Clinic, we offer services designed to truly empower women, including counseling, prenatal care, parenting classes, and material help. We believe that when women are supported and informed, they are better equipped to face the challenges of an unexpected pregnancy and to thrive as mothers. Our hope is to equip every woman with the material and emotional support she needs to choose life for herself and her child.


Myth 4: “Abortion Is Necessary for Population Control”


Some proponents of abortion argue that it is a necessary tool for controlling population growth and addressing economic issues. This perspective coldly reduces the value of human life to a mere statistic.


The Reality:

Every human life is valuable and irreplaceable. Addressing economic and social issues requires comprehensive solutions that respect the dignity of all individuals. Promoting access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities does more to address the root causes of poverty and overpopulation than abortion ever has. Additionally, many countries facing declining birth rates are beginning to recognize the need to support families and encourage population growth to sustain their economies and cultures.


Myth 5: “Abortion Is a Simple and Quick Fix”


The idea that abortion is a quick and easy solution to an unexpected pregnancy is misleading. This viewpoint fails to consider the long-term implications and the profound impact of such a decision.


The Reality:

Abortion is not a simple fix; it is a complex and often traumatic experience that can have lasting effects on a woman’s physical health, her emotional well-being, and her current and future relationships. At Open Arms Real Choices Clinic, we emphasize the importance of informed decision-making and provide comprehensive support to women facing unexpected pregnancies. Our goal is to offer alternatives that affirm life and promote the health and well-being of both mother and child.


Abortion is Not the Answer


Debunking these common abortion fallacies is a crucial step in promoting a culture that values and respects life. At Open Arms Real Choices Clinic, we are committed to providing compassionate care and accurate information to women and their partners. By addressing these myths and offering genuine support, we empower individuals to make life-affirming choices that lead to positive and fulfilling futures.

If you or someone you know is facing an unexpected pregnancy, we are here to help. Our services are designed to provide the care, education, and support needed to navigate this journey with confidence and hope. Learn more at our website, or make an appointment with one of our counselors. Together, we can create a world where every pregnant woman has the information and resources necessary to embrace life for herself and her child.

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