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Discovering that you have an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming, with countless questions racing through your mind. Unfortunately, the answers to these questions may not be straightforward. Many of your concerns may revolve around your health, while others might focus on how the pregnancy will impact your relationships with your partner and family, as well as its effects on your current and future plans.

Even when friends, family, or your significant other are supportive, you will still need some outside assistance to help you navigate your way through your pregnancy. In particular, it is important to seek assistance from qualified healthcare professionals specializing in pregnancy care. They can offer you the information you need to assess what your next steps should be. If you are in the Coeur d’Alene area, Open Arms Real Choices Clinic can provide that assistance. Here are the most pressing issues you should address:

1. Seek Medical Support

Before making any big decisions about what to do, it is important to have a clear picture in your mind of the medical status of your pregnancy. If you have one, schedule an appointment with your primary care doctor or OB-GYN for a lab-quality ultrasound. In Coeur d’Alene, you can contact Open Arms Real Choices Clinic, which offers this no-cost pregnancy service from medical professionals. 

When you meet with qualified professionals at our clinic or a similar pregnancy center, it is important to remember that the staff is focused only on what is best for you. For them to provide optimum care, you should be open and candid about your health history, such as when you had your last period, whether you have any ongoing health issues, or whether you have any substance problems, such as alcohol, cigarettes, or are taking recreational or prescription drugs. 

2. Educate Yourself About Your Real Options

When a pregnancy is unplanned, it’s only natural to struggle with the question of what you should do. After all, deciding whether or not to nurture and raise a child is not a simple or short-term task, and may be the weightiest decision you have ever had to face. 

But you have options. Because your decision is an important one with long-term consequences, you should never feel pressured to make a quick or uninformed decision. If you have considered abortion, remember that there are alternatives. Adoption, for example, is a viable option for those who may not be prepared for parenting. And, of course, keeping and raising your own child is also an option, and it is made even more realizable when you utilize resources that can help you with parenting and life skills

Whatever your frame of mind in contemplating your pregnancy, it is important to seek help, so that you have complete information about all the options available to you. Whatever decision you make, it is important that you think carefully about what it means for your life, and be confident that it is right for you.

3. Take Care of Yourself

When you are pregnant, it’s more important than ever to pay attention to your own health, regardless of what decision you ultimately make. Your diet and lifestyle choices affect more than just yourself, so be sure to eat healthy foods and refrain from using alcohol, cigarettes, recreational drugs, or even some prescription drugs that can adversely affect you or the baby.

In addition to physical health, it’s also critical to care for your mental and emotional health, particularly as you deal with your new situation. A big help in this regard is to surround yourself with a positive support team that you trust to keep you on a healthful and productive path. Ideally, this will include your significant other. There are also services available that offer support for men who are about to become fathers.

To learn more about your options in this critical life moment, contact Open Arms Real Choices Clinic.

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